How to connect Wyze as a weight source

Published: June 7, 2024
(Last updated: June 30, 2024)

SmartScaleSync now supports Wyze as a weight source! 🎉

It's a bit more complicated than our other weight source integrations so we wrote this blog post to walk you through it.

To begin with, Wyze requires you to create a Wyze API key.

Here's how:

  • Navigate to the Wyze developer page where you will be prompted to login to your Wyze account
  • Once you've signed in, you'll be redirected back to the developer page where you can click "Create an api key".
  • Once created, you will need to take note of the Key Id and the Api Key values; these will be used to authenticate with SmartScaleSync
  • With those values in hand, head to the SmartScaleSync settings page where you can set Wyze as your weight source and then form the connection. You will be prompted for your wyze email, wyze password, wyze api key, and wyze key id.
  • Once you've connected your Wyze account, SmartScaleSync will begin checking the account for new weight measurements every 15 minutes. When you step on your scale, make sure that you have the Wyze app open so that your weighin uploads to Wyze, otherwise SmartScaleSync won't be able to access it (for example, if you step on the scale and you don't open the Wyze app for 30 minutes, the sync will go skipped because SmartScaleSync runs once every 15 minutes looking for weighins that are less than 15 minutes old).

Some things to note:

  • Multiple users in your household can use SmartScaleSync, but they will need separate SmartScaleSync accounts and they will need to create their own Wyze account (with access to the scale) and create their own Wyze API key.
  • A Wyze API key gives SmartScaleSync access to your Wyze account and connected devices, so treat it like a password and keep it secure. For a list of the functionality the API unlocks you can browse the "unofficial" wyze-sdk documentation. SmartScaleSync will only be interacting with your Wyze scale(s) but to date there is no way to limit the scope of the API key to just the scales.
  • If you use Google or your Apple ID to sign into Wyze, you will need to create a password for your Wyze account in order to use SmartScaleSync. You can do this by heading to the Wyze login page and clicking "Forgot Password". When you go through the forgot password flow make sure you use the same email address as your Google/Apple ID login. Afterwards you should be able to use this email/password combo along with your Wyze API key to connect SmartScaleSync to your Wyze account.

If you have any questions, feedback, or need help, please reach out to our support team!